Monday, February 2, 2009


Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect form and the verb in parenthesis. Translate the sentences.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith _________ _______________ their house. (sold)


2. Those tourists _________ ______________ all of our national monuments.


3. My sister and I ___________ ______________ by air many times.


4. Maria __________ _______________ her homework. (finish)


5. Susie __________ _________________ many pencils. (borrow)


6. Her teacher ___________ ________________ a big birthday cake. (bring)


7. I _________ _______________ the whole book. (read)


8. He _________ ________________ a flatbed. (drive)


9. We __________ _______________ a tow truck. (buy)


10. She __________ ________________ his lunch in the cafeteria. (eat)


11. The dog ___________ ________________ the bone. (bite)


12. Mark __________ _______________ the dishes. (do)


13. The __________ _______________ a hole in the back yard. (dig)


14. The peso __________ ________________ before the dollar. (fall)


15. Rene __________ ________________ money from the bank. (draw)


16. My students ___________ ________________ me a headache. (give)


17. Pavarotti ___________ ________________ in Carnegie Hall. (sing)


18. I ___________ _______________ three books already. (write)

19. I ___________ ________________ to Puerto Rico (be)


20. We __________ _______________ the well. (draw)


21. The children __________ _______________ me crazy. (drive)


22. The baby __________ ________________ all morning. (sleep)


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