Present & Past Perfect. Change the affirmative
sentences to negative and interrogative.
1. Juan Gabriel has composed the popular Mexican song “Noa, Noa”
2. Jules Verne had written 20,000 “Leagues Under the Sea”
4. Madame Marie & Pierre Curie had discovered radium.
5. Robert Koch had established bacteriology.
6. Galileo Galilee had made the first thermometer.
7. Ricky Martin has composed the song “Living la Vida Loca”
8. Walt Disney had produced the first cartoon of “Mickey Mouse”
9. Mother Teresa of Calcutta had been given the Nobel Peace
Price (1979)
10. Martin Luther King had been a Civil Rights leader, until 1968.
11. Samuel Clemens had written books under the pen name “Mark Twain”
12. Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto had painted “The Last Supper” (1518-1594)
13. The Trojan War had been fought in 1193 B. C. in Asia Minor.
14. The Mexican war had been fought in 1836 in the “Alamo” Texas.
15. Carlo Collodi, had written “The adventures of Pinocchio”
16. Alan Shepard Jr. had been the first American in Space. (May, 5 1961)
17. Wilma and Fred Flintstone had been a world famous pair.
18. Benito Pablo Juarez had been a famous world figure.
19. Clara Barton had founded the American Red Cross.
20. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (handicapped) had been elected to four terms
of office.
21. Rudyard Kipling had been the famous author of the “Jungle Book”
sentences to negative and interrogative.
1. Juan Gabriel has composed the popular Mexican song “Noa, Noa”
2. Jules Verne had written 20,000 “Leagues Under the Sea”
4. Madame Marie & Pierre Curie had discovered radium.
5. Robert Koch had established bacteriology.
6. Galileo Galilee had made the first thermometer.
7. Ricky Martin has composed the song “Living la Vida Loca”
8. Walt Disney had produced the first cartoon of “Mickey Mouse”
9. Mother Teresa of Calcutta had been given the Nobel Peace
Price (1979)
10. Martin Luther King had been a Civil Rights leader, until 1968.
11. Samuel Clemens had written books under the pen name “Mark Twain”
12. Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto had painted “The Last Supper” (1518-1594)
13. The Trojan War had been fought in 1193 B. C. in Asia Minor.
14. The Mexican war had been fought in 1836 in the “Alamo” Texas.
15. Carlo Collodi, had written “The adventures of Pinocchio”
16. Alan Shepard Jr. had been the first American in Space. (May, 5 1961)
17. Wilma and Fred Flintstone had been a world famous pair.
18. Benito Pablo Juarez had been a famous world figure.
19. Clara Barton had founded the American Red Cross.
20. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (handicapped) had been elected to four terms
of office.
21. Rudyard Kipling had been the famous author of the “Jungle Book”
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