Wednesday, May 27, 2009

as... as = (4)

Find the correct endings to the phrases. Translate.

as brave as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as busy as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as white as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as green as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as drunk as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as steady as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as fat as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as tired as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as good as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


as heavy as
(grass, a lion, a pig, lead, snow, a dog, a rock, new, a lord, a bee)


Comparison of adjectives with as ... as (3)

Use either as … as or not as … as in the sentecnes below.

Example: Ben Nevis is __________ as Mont Blanc (not/high).
Answer: Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc.

1) The blue car is ____________________ the red car. (fast)

2) Peter is ____________________ Fred. (not/tall)

3) The violin is ___________________ the cello. (not/low)

4) This copy is ____________________ the other one. (bad)

5) Oliver is ____________________ Peter. (optimistic)

6) Today it's ___________________ yesterday. (not/windy)

7) The tomato soup was ____________________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8) Grapefruit juice is _____________________ lemonade. (not/sweet)

9) Nick is ____________________ Kevin. (brave)

10) Silver is _____________________ gold. (not/heavy)



To show no difference: as much as , as many as, as few as, as little as...
as many as / as few as + countable nouns
as much as / as little as + uncountable nouns

Examples: With countable nouns:

They have as many children as us.


We have as many customers as them.


Tom has as few books as Jane.


There are as few houses in his village as in mine.


You know as many people as I do.


I have visited the States as many times as he has.


With uncountable nouns:

John eats as much food as Peter.


Jim has as little food as Sam.


You've heard as much news as I have.


He's had as much success as his brother has.


They've got as little water as we have.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

as... as = adverb / preposition (1)

Look at this example:

He came as quickly as he could.

This structure is used to measure and compare things that are of similar proportion. In this construction, the first as functions as an adverb modifying the following adjective or adverb.

The second as functions as a preposition when it relates to the following noun or pronoun. (It can also function as a conjunction when it relates to the following clause.)

Compare the following:

1) The meal was as good as the conversation: spicy and invigorating!
2) She spoke as slowly as she could.
3) Has everybody eaten as much as they want?
4) I hope you will agree that I am as imaginative a cook as my wife (is)!

Note from the above example that if there is an adjective and a noun after the first as, a / an must go between them. Note also that if we want to make a negative statement, we can use so…as instead of as…as:

1) He is not so / as intelligent as his sister is.
2) The cafeteria was not so / as crowded as it was earlier.

There are a large number of idiomatic expressions or fixed phrases which we use in informal English when we are making comparisons like this. Here are a few of them in context:

1) He went as white as a sheet when he saw the ghost.
2) My maths teacher is as deaf as a post and should have retired years ago.
3) She sat there as quiet as a mouse and wouldn’t say anything.
4) Electricity will be restored to our homes as soon as possible.
5) All the children were as good as gold when they came to visit me.
6) These stories are as old as the hills and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Remember that when we are measuring or comparing things that are of unequal proportion, we need to use the structure comparative + than:

1) Let me finish the report. I can type much faster than you (can).
2) He played the piece of music more slowly than I had ever heard it played before.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Relative Pronouns (8)

Underline the correct pronoun, and Translate.

1. I don't like people (what/where/which/who/whose) reject technology.


2. The telephone is an invention (what/where/which/who/whose) has revolutionized the world.


3. I know many people (what/where/which/who/whose) dream is to travel to outer space.


4. My father is the type of person (what/where/which/who/whose) will spend hours in his garden.


5. The talk (what/where/which/who/whose) she gave the other day was absolutely brilliant.


6. My brother, (what/where/which/who/whose) knows everything about computers, will certainly be able to help you.


7. I'd like to spend my holidays in a country (what/where/which/who/whose) there are no phones, no cars and no computers.


8. My best friend, (what/where/which/who/whose) parents are electronic engineers, spends most of her spare time surfing on the Net.


9. I don't know (what/where/which/who/whose) to do.


10. He didn't write to me, (what/where/which/who/whose) made me sad.


Relative Pronouns (7)

Choose the correct Pronoun, and then Translate the sentences.

1. Here is the man (what/who/whose) works at the hospital.


2. The dog (whose/who/which/) is in the garden is mine.


3. (what/who/which/) you told me was not true.


4. The man (whose/who/whom) car is blue is my uncle.


5. This is the car (which/what/who) had an accident yesterday.


6. There comes the man (where/whom/which) we were talking about.


7. The place (whom/where/what) we went was very hot.


8. You told me some thing (whom/that/who) was not true.


9. India is a country (which/whose/where) there are many things.


10. The girl (whose/who/which) works here is very nice.


Relative Pronouns (6)


1. The police have found the boy (which/whom/who/) disappeared last week.


2. That is the cat (whom/who/that) belongs to Betty.


3. This is the man (which/whom/where) I wanted to see.


4. This is the house (who/where/that) Jack built.


5. A restaurant is a place (that/where/who) people dine out.


6. A widow is a woman (which/that/whose) husband is dead.


7. Charles (that/whose/whom) mother is American speaks Engish fluently.


8. Bob Dylan, (whom/which/where) I like so much,is American.


9. John lives in a rented house (whom/where/which) is nearly 5 kms away from his work place.
